Meeting of the Truman State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
November 18, 2019, 4:30-5:30 PM, BH100
Present: Marc Rice (president), Marc Becker (secretary), Anton Daughters (treasurer), Mark Hatala (vice-president), Bill Alexander, Carlo Annelli, Christine Harker, Nina Smith, Matt Tornatore, Audrey Viguier
1. Questions of survey, department representatives, and relations with administration.
Marc: Other schools have much more problematic relationships with administrators. Sue’s presentation has same issues that concern us—should use that same language. Faculty are not unified on much, which doesn’t give us much of a base for collective bargaining. Proposed letter to department chairs asking for AAUP reps is first step to get more people at least reading minutes and to be in communication with us. The next step would be a survey for next spring—we would get help from president of state AAUP with formulation of questions.
Christine: Question is how do we grow chapter. Chairs don’t have power to impose demands on faculty. If we make an ask and it fails it would be a politically poor move.
Anton: Would get a response from some. What are other options?
Marc: Could be part of something else.
Matt: Incentive would meet service requirement.
Mark: Won’t get 30, but if we get 6 it will double the chapter. Problem is that no one knows that we exist.
Christine: reputation that we are not effective.
Mark: But what committees are effective? Some chairs will be sympathetic and we can work with them, but others will not respond.
Bill: will count for service. Any press is good press. Get our name out there. At worst it is a wash, but we might get more people.
Anton: lots of support for the idea of AAUP, and a nudge will help get us more. A personal pitch is most effective.
Christine: That’s what I was going to suggest: personal pitch is most effective. Include ask in email to come and talk to dept meeting.
Marc: OP; Bill: Magruder; Anton: Barnett
Nina: talk to new faculty w/ swag.
Anton: did that, but not many faculty showed up
Bill: get half hour in orientation, with 3-4 people
Audrey: or talk about problems, like with low enrollment (which puts our jobs in jeopardy—inc. people on one-year contracts). People scared because of own self interest.
Anton: low enrollment means good business for AAUP
Marc: Pair email with ask for meeting with dept. Do we have time? Do departments have time on their agenda? Try to set up in early spring.
2. Mark: Janet is meeting with departments and Sue wants to squash rumors. We need to hold administration accountable. Our job is not to administer the administrators. We don’t have any ability to move things.
Anton: Strength in numbers
Marc: holding people accountable
Mark: rumor that we get a 1 percent salary increase in Jan. Janet is the future and we need to work with her. Administrators approve chair election. She is trying to become familiar.
Do we need to set up a meeting with Janet?
Bill: not worry about our reputation. They can paint anything onto us.
Mark: the individual is the problem; no systemic issues
3. New initiatives:
Job security (visiting assistant rather than adjunct)
Low enrollment & retention
Teaching load & compensation
Holding admin accountable
Maternity & sick leaves