AAUP Truman chapter meeting, January 15, 2013
Attendance: Marc Becker, David Robinson, Wolfgang Hoeschele, Sylvia Macauley, Marc Rice
1. Missouri AAUP meeting. Two delegates and two alternates from the local chapter are needed for the Missouri State AAUP meeting to be held in Kansas city on February 16. David Robinson, as state AAUP president, will be there, but wished to be no more than an alternate as chapter representative.
Marc Becker agreed to serve as delegate; Kathryn Brammall was asked after the meeting and agreed to serve as delegate as well. David Robinson will be an alternate, as will Betty McLane-Iles.
Among the things that will happen at the state meeting is the election of officers for the next year.
2. University Conference Day in February. Our proposal “Understanding the challenges of public sector employment” has been submitted. There is no word yet about which proposals have been accepted. It is a bit late to invite speakers from other places, but it was decided to talk to Rebecca McClanahan and Laura Gruber, both of whom would have a lot to say about the topic. Marc Rice will contact them to see whether they would be able to come as invited speakers.
3. Marc Becker and Marc Rice follow-up meeting with Provost Joan Poor. Which questions should be discussed? Main questions concern contingent faculty (is she closer to having a policy regarding contingent faculty lines?), the budget and who has control over it, and if there is anything we, the AAUP, can do to make things happen?