Washington Street Java Co.
Meetings are open to all University faculty members.
Members Present: Jan Grow, Marc Becker, Tom Marshall, Peter
Rolnick, Lonnie Morrow, James Harmon, David Gruber, Joan Mather,
Keith Doubt, Martha Bartter
1. Treasurers Report, James Harmon. Our current balance
is $304.76. It was suggested that we email AAUP members reminding
them to pay local chapter dues.
2. President’s Report, Keith Doubt. It was reported that
500 copies of Footnotes, an AAUP newsletter for university faculty,
has been received. Also, flyers on membership and benefits have
been received. The President with members of AAUP will begin to
visit faculty at Division Meetings to distribute these materials
to faculty.
3. The upcoming Town Meeting on October 13th at 5:00 PM
in the Governor’s Room at SUB was discussed. It was decided that,
even though we have not completed our attrition survey of faculty
who have left Truman, it would still be a good idea to proceed
with the meeting. It was observed that it is important to meet
on campus. The Town Meeting
will be announced in various ways on campus. (Note: the Index
is not published that week because it is of midterm break.)
4. November 19th, Friday, the weekend before Thanksgiving,
was chosen as a date to hold an AAUP pot-luck supper. We will
plan this event at our next meeting.
5. Discussion on the use and role of faculty conveners took
place. Points were made on how best to follow up the discussion
at the Town Meeting.