Friday 7:30AM
The Truman Chapter of the AAUP opened the Fall Semester 1999
at its traditional meeting time and place–7:30AM, the first Friday
of the month in the Washington Street Java Co.–with strong coffee,
baked goods, and serious conversation.
1. Membership Drive – The Chapter agreed on the following plan.
Truman AAUP President, Keith Doubt, and an AAUP member from each
academic division will speak with each Division Head and request
time at the beginning of an upcoming division meeting to say a
few words about AAUP and distribute membership materials and a
copy of the national AAUP newsletter, Footnotes. We noted the
need to increase membership in order to sustain the Chapter initiatives
and pursue new ones.
2. Potluck Supper – A time close to but after Midterm was suggested.
Plans for the Potluck Supper will be discussed at the Fri, 1 October
Chapter meeting.
3. Town Meeting on Faculty Attrition and Retention – To be
held on Wednesday, 13 October at 17:00 in the Governor’s Room
in the SUB, this Town Meeting will have a panel to discuss such
issues/questions as: Financial costs to Truman; Time demands on
faculty; Survey information – Why do faculty leave? Where are
they now? What can be done to reduce attrition and increase retention?
4. Chapter Web Page – National AAUP Officer and Director of
Membership Development,
Iris Molotsky, cited the Truman Chapter AAUP Web Site as a place
to visit and a web page for other AAUP chapters to model.
5. At the New Faculty Members Orientation, the Truman Chapter
hosted a table with chapter information
along with other University organizations. A letter written by
David Gruber, President of the Missouri State
AAUP Organization, and signed by both David and Keith was sent
to new faculty members, inviting them to join and to become active
in AAUP.
6. We discussed creating a New Faculty Handbook and the types
of things to include in such a
Handbook–information on Kirksville and the University, a listing
of the tenure procedures of different Divisions. It was suggested
that we hire a student editor to compile and edit the Handbook.
It was also suggested that
we solicit suggestions for the handbook through the AAUP email
7. We discussed the newly formed AAUP email list and its inclusion
of only actually, paid-up AAUP members
as opposed to informal or causal members who have not actually
joined AAUP. It was decided to continue
with the new format and invite AAUP members to forward messages
to interested colleagues.
8. Treasurer’s Report — National Dues Rebate, $105.30. Cost
for AAUP Flyer, $53.74. Current balance, $274.76. Local dues for
the Truman Chapter can now be paid when faculty join the national
organization. The form for this service was filled out this summer.
9. Potential Issues for Chapter Attention – Truman and ADA
compliance, Faculty Health Plan, Intellectual property rights,
Need for a written history of policy making at Truman
Respectfully submitted,
James Harmon, Treasurer