Board of Governors Meeting
December 8, 2001
Ten faculty members spoke to the Board of Governors meeting on Saturday,
December 8, regarding issues of summer school and faculty governance. In order to facilitate and extend campus-wide discussion of
these important issues, the TSU chapter of AAUP
solicited copies of these comments from the faculty members for posting to this
web page. The comments of those who responded are listed below. Our discussion board is open to all faculty
members, and can serve as a forum by which to continue these discussions.
We encourage you to make use of this resource.
Fred Shaffer, Social Science (
James Tichenor, Social Science (
Tom Zoumaras, Social Science (
Judi Misale, Social Science (
Mark Hanley, Social Science (comments read by Patricia Burton) (
James Padfield, Human Potential & Performance (
David Robinson, Social Science (
David Gruber, Social Science (
Roy Tanner, Language and Literature (
Randy Smith, Fine Arts (
Go to the discussion board; the password is