Friday, December 6, 1999, 7:30 AM
Washington Street Java Co.
Meetings are open to all University faculty members.
Members Present: Marc Becker, Keith Doubt, Ann Elsworth,
Janice Grow, David
Gruber, James Harmon, Judi Misali, Peter Rolnick.
1. Treasurers Report was read by Treasurer James Harmon. Disbursements
were $66.48, ($11.23 for printing) and ($46.16 for Sodexo) for
the Town Meeting. The local chapter took in $50.00 from National.
Thus our balance is down from $213.61 in November, to $203.13
in December.Expenses for food and the ad for the town meeting
were approximately $l00. Our current balance is $213.61. We have
40 members listed at national AAUP. The new officers are
not yet listed there.
2. Marc Becker gave a report on the Faculty Attrition survey.
Becker suggested the results were similar to survey done at University
of Minnesota, that is, the percentage of faculty leaving matches
University of Minnesota. There was a discussion about when to
distribute the results and to whom. It was suggested by the president
that the distribution should be put into a positive realm showing
AAUP as a positive force on campus. It was decided not to send
the survey directly to the Board, but to send the survey to the
administration, and invite administrators to consider joining
AAUP as associates.
a. The document will first be reviewed by Judi Misale, Dave Gruber,
Doubt, and James Harmon.
b. Other members who would like to respond to the document
should email
marc@truman.edu and he will send it out.
c. Over semester break the document will be sent out
to administrators, AAUP
members, and placed on the AAUP webpage.
d. Keith will ask to present the document on the agenda
of the Faculty
Senate and the Board of Governors.
e. Copies will be made available to the Truman community
through ads in
Truman Today, Index, Monitor.
3. Town meeting on Health Care was discussed. There was a discussion
on how the faculty representative on Health Care Committee was
appointed. Some feeling that spousal and family interests are
not represented.
4. The Faculty Senate ad hoc committee on Faculty Compensation
was discussed. Gary Jones has agreed to serve on this committee
as an AAUP representative. Martha Bartter is also serving as a
L&L representative. Keith will send a letter thanking Faculty
Senate for welcoming AAUP
representation on this committee.
5. Some discussion about an AAUP-Film Club Political Film Series.
The Film Club will pickup most of the costs. Dates are now determined:
January 18th and 19th, 7:00 AM, Little Theater.
6. Discussion about a link from our AAUP Web page to the Blue
Book URL. We will do the link.
Next Meeting: January 14, 2000