Meeting of the Truman State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
January 22, 2018, 3:40-5:40 PM, in BH100
Present: Marc Rice (president), Marc Becker (secretary), Mark Hatala (vice-president), Mateo Tornatore
- State AAUP meeting in Kansas City on Saturday, April 28. Marc Rice & Marc Becker plan to attend.
- St. Louis Road Show (describing organizing process at SLU) is going to Missouri State-West Plains instead of coming to TSU.
- Proposal for conducting workshops on best practices and on women/sexism in the classroom. Could also touch on grade appeals and hierarchy of who can fire faculty. Marc R. can schedule dates & get room. Mark H. will talk to Monica Barron, Christine Harker, and Sherri Palmer about doing a workshop on women/sexism in the spring, and we will plan a workshop on best practices in the fall (when new faculty arrive).
- Budgetary issues. SDS is working on raising budget issues. Are there ways to collaborate with them?