AAUP Truman State University Chapter
Minutes, March 1, 2012
Attendance: Marc Becker, Cynthia Cooper, James Harmon, Wolfgang Hoeschele, Betty McLane-Iles, Bonnie Mitchell, Peter Rolnick
Treasurer’s Report
James Harmon reported that there are $423.60 available in the chapter’s account. There had been some confusion before due to double- or non-counting of one sum of $99.96, which has now beenclarified.
Candidacy of Betty McLane-Iles for a Kirksville City Council seat
Marc Becker announced that Larry Iles had requested on behalf of Betty McLane Iles that the local AAUP chapter endorse her candidacy. Nobody present was sure whether an AAUP chapter is allowed to do this, given the kind of organization we are. Marc said that he would check with David Robinson. Meanwhile, the persons present unanimously expressed their support for Betty’s candidacy.
Note: later the same day David replied “AAUP has asked that no chapter or conference formally endorse partisan political candidates, unless they are in organized collective-bargaining units. For those, this is allowed, because there is a formal mechanism.” Hence, the AAUP as a chapter will not endorse anyone, although individuals are free to do so.
Exigency Plan
Peter Rolnick reported on discussions of the Faculty Senate committee on this topic with Troy Paino and Warrens Wells. He said Paino really wants to work out a solution that’s acceptable to the faculty, and has agreed to the following two points:
1) to go to the Faculty Senate first (before BOG), and allow the FS one week for a response; if the FS disagrees, they can present their point of view to the BOG at the same meeting as the President does;
2) to create a committee including faculty representation to work out how to implement cuts due to exigency, rather than the President deciding this on his own. Details on the nature of this committee have yet to be worked out.
Additional discussion revolved around how to treat faculty on non-tenure-track appointments who have been here for many years, and who are often essential to the success of an academic program. The specific conditions of each such person and the position itself vary greatly, which makes it more difficult to come up with solutions that satisfy everyone. One way of addressing at least part of this issue is to make decisions about entire programs first, and then only make decisions concerning specific positions.
Election of Delegates, March 31 AAUP State Meeting in Columbia
David Robinson and Kathryn Brammall had already indicated that they would be ready to represent our chapter, but we are supposed to elect two delegates and two alternates. Marc Becker volunteered to be a delegate. Bob Martin (who was not present) was nominated as a delegate. It was thought better not to elect Bob Martin as delegate (rather than as an alternate) because he doesn’t have experience representing our chapter’s affairs. So he was elected as alternate, Marc as a delegate.
March 15 Lunch Forum (scheduled for Georgian Room A)
Topics for the upcoming lunch forum were discussed. Since Troy Paino has signaled that he would welcome input from the AAUP to the “guiding coalition” that he has formed to envision a future for the university with permanent budget cuts, it was quickly agreed that this would be an important topic. It was also agreed to invite Paino to our meeting.
Note: The invitation was sent, and Troy Paino will not be able to make it at that time. It was agreed through emails that we would still meet to discuss this topic in the absence of the President.
Domestic Partner Benefits
The point of discussion was how to proceed after Troy Paino reported to the FS that the Academic and Student Affairs Subcommittee of the Board of Governors has invited faculty to present their point of view regarding DP benefits to them. They are not interested in forming a special subcommittee for this purpose, but rather want to go ahead and consider the matter within their existing subcommittee.
After some discussion, it was decided that the resolution to the FS would be reworded to ask the BOG to introduce domestic partner benefits, and to add a “whereas” something like this: “whereas the Student Affairs Subcommittee of the Board of Governors has invited faculty to present to them their point of view regarding the desirability of offering domestic partner benefits at Truman State University.” Peter Rolnick and Cindy Cooper will work on the exact wording, and consult with others, such as Tom Zoumaras, Don Bindner and David Rector as needed. They will also work together with the Student Senate on this matter.