Meeting of the TSU chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
2014 September 16, 4:30-5:50 PM, OP2117
Present: Marc Becker, Mark Hatala, Jennifer Jesse, Marc Rice (presiding), David Robinson (secretary).
Next meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 21, 4:30 at the DUKUM INN.
- Marc Rice reported on what he learned at the AAUP Summer Institute, supported by an Institute Scholarship from Assembly of State Conferences (ASC).
Marc attended sessions devoted to the following issues:
Negotiation and bargaining. He learned several interesting things: start early, need grievance officer, and need training for the grievance officer. Advice: Don’t be baited; don’t give administrators language to use against you.
The State Conference in a Red or Blue State. People from Ohio and Michigan told about organizing and politicking in the “hot” elections recently, and how AAUP participated.
Using Communications to Motivate Action. There was some role-playing. Messages: Keep it short and sweet when talking to administrators and outside (press, etc.).
Press Relations and Messaging. This was presented by the same California people as previous session, who caution that professors are usually too long-winded in public communication, so they need to learn a different style.
Embracing the 21st-c. Classroom. Stuff on diversity: Marc felt right at home, since Black American music is his forte.
Final Brunch: Higher Ed, the Public Good, and AAUP. How people outside the university see us.
- We discussed strategies for improving faculty salaries, especially in light of recent developments at the state level regarding the budget.
Salary inversion is apparently a fact at Truman, as incoming faculty now receive higher salaries than some tenured faculty in the same departments. With recent releases of state budget money, President Paino needs to show us he can raise salaries, at least when it is possible. We cannot continue on the path we are on, because the university is already endangered by this problem.
Perhaps we can work up an event for Amy Blouin (Missouri Budget Budget). Also, we might work with President Paino to have an event for Nate Walker and other legislators.
- Ways for improving funding for sabbaticals, so that all worthy projects can be funded.
There are still big grumblings about our sabbatical application/review process. Because of our history (suspension of sabbaticals for many years and lack of understanding their place in academia and at Truman), our process is perceived as very unprofessional. We must discuss it with the new provost, who has been invited to an AAUP meeting for this semester (date still pending).
- $10 chapter membership fee; ways to increase membership.
Motion was passed: our chapter dues are set at $10 per semester. Kathryn Brammall, our treasurer, will give us further instructions on how to get them to her (how to make out the check, etc.).
One problem we have in attracting members is that our non-AAUP factions/leaders take care of some procedural business pretty well. We should concentrate on those areas (like salaries and sabbaticals) where the needs are still very clear. Perhaps new and younger faculty (and the others too) would come if the meetings were more social, at least sometimes. We will have our next meeting, Oct. 21, at the upper room of the Dukum.
- We welcome further issues to consider this academic year.