Meeting of the Truman State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
2014 November 18, 4:30-5:45 PM, at the DuKum Inn
Present: Marc Becker, Taner Edis, Marc Rice (presiding), David Robinson (secretary)
Next meeting: Tuesday, December 16, 4:30 PM at DuKum Inn
The meeting was devoted to planning our big public event for next semester. It will feature a presentation by Amy Blouin, founder and Executive Director of the Missouri Budget Project. She has expressed her willingness to come. Missouri Conference of AAUP has put in a grant proposal to national AAUP that allots at least $200 to support this event; we will have more information on that funding early in 2015.
Missouri Budget Project has diverse and detailed information and projections that not only follow legislative funding, but also follow and project the effects of those funding trends—on higher education certainly, but also on many other aspects of life in our state, for example, elementary education, social work, even business and industry.
Our plan, at this point, is to follow up Amy’s presentation by a reception and panel discussion, possibly in the upstairs room of the DuKum Inn. Without naming names here, we want to invite several local and regional leaders (beyond the university) who would sit on this panel and would interact with the others who attend.
We need to check the date with everyone who might be involved, particularly Amy; at this point we are considering the Thursday after our midterm break: March 19. We could have Amy’s lecture in a suitable room at Truman, in the afternoon; then we could serve supper snacks upstairs at the DuKum, followed by the panel discussion. We want to record Amy’s lecture, possibly posting it for later reference.