Meeting of the Truman State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
September 18, 2018, 3:10-4:20 PM, in BH100
Present: Marc Rice (president, via Skype), Marc Becker (secretary), Mark Hatala (vice-president), Sergio Escobar
- Faculty salaries.
Terry Olson’s report on salaries (Marc R). There’s money there, but the disparities in teaching loads are a factor, and wasted resources could be added to salaries. If their plan was implemented, salaries could be increased.
Dean DeCock (Mark H): Different goals in terms of what percentiles we could be at, and would take $2 million. One proposal is merit pay, which has its own problems. Across the board raises seem fair, but with that all new hires would make more than older people. Also, just looking at salaries, because in terms of benefits those of us under the old Mosers payment are better off.
Problem is not so much where money is coming from, but that the administration wants to balance budget on the back of faculty. If we want better salaries we have to fight for them. Many people saw 3% salary raise as gift rather than keeping up with inflation. What is our next move? Maybe meet with President Thomas to see where she thinks we should go from here.
- Missouri AAUP is planning a fall workshop, but we don’t know when it will be. The state conference is also applying for a grant to monitor state legislative system.
- Problems with Josh Hawley’s attack on higher ed. Marc R.: should we do something with this? Mark H.: best to stay out of politics. Common perception that taxpayer money is wasted. And some of it is, such as Truman Institute. What do we do about this? Bring attention: Chop from the top. Ask them what they do.
Do we want to get statements from state senate candidates on their policy toward education? Marc R. will request statements from all state and federal candidates.
- Is there any way to know who is paying national AAUP dues? Marc B. will ask for current membership list. Can we do something to recruit more members? Bring a speaker to attract attention? Facebook group is a good idea.
- What happens when our entire AAUP membership retires? How are we going to maintain our chapter? We need ideas for recruiting faculty. Organize a retirement seminar with Jeff Romine or Jaime Morten. Another idea: a workshop on what are faculty rights (David Robinson?). How can we get younger and more faculty involved.